Jasper C. Lee

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The Importance of a Personal Webpage


So.. Jasper, what made you want to create a personal webpage? And more so, why now?!

Now in order to answer these questions, let’s pause for a moment and take a flashback to the past..

The College Lecture Hall

Why not take a brief trip down memory lane, Shall We? It was the 2nd Semester of my Sophomore Year at the beautiful Arizona State University Campus. It was February of 2020, and little did all of us know that our entire lives would be rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. BUT that is NOT the topic of discussion for today. Instead I would like to put you in my seat. The seat of a college student trying to make the most of his studies. To be more precise, that day I was sitting in my (arguably) ‘early’ morning Marketing 300 course taught by Professor Eaton. We were dismissed when class time was up, almost as if it was any other day. Before us students were on our way out the door to go on with the rest of the day, Professor Eaton summarized, “Remember our discussions regarding ‘Point of Differentiation’. Find out how you can relate this concept into your personal and professional life as it will ultimately set you apart”. Class was Dismissed.

Enlightenment: A Touch of Inspiration

These words still stick to me to this day as it is now summer 2021 and I am eagerly heading into the final year of my undergrad studies. I never knew how I could establish my ‘Point of Differentiation’ but I believed that if I remained patient, I would one day be able to connect the dots and accomplish this endeavor. By complete luck of the draw, I eventually stumbled across a video tutorial posted by a Content Creator, (and also former MAGICIAN) that I look up to greatly, Ali Abdaal. This video opened my eyes to the idea of creating a personal portfolio webpage and his brilliant explanation why to do so had me inspired. Furthermore, the detailed breakdown as to how simple it would be to build a webpage lowered the 'stigma' that typically come with ‘building a website’ and I was immediately hooked. THIS was an opportunity that I could seize. The inspiration was there and the ball was finally in my court!

Where Do We Go From Here? Future Endeavors & Big Plans

So why are we here, and why am I writing to you to this day? I have finally uncovered how to leverage this opportunity of writing a blog to ultimately be my form of “Point of Differentiation''. I hope that my brief articles and thoughts that I hope to share with those passing through my portfolio find some interest in connecting to my writing and style. Not only will this practice allow me to share my thoughts as I navigate my young adult life, but it’ll also allow me to uniquely demonstrate who I am, and how I grow and learn in this adapting world. THIS is how I plan to differentiate myself from an incredibly talented and diverse field. The journey is just beginning and I hope you enjoy whatever content and ideas that may come your way! That being said, new beginnings are here. Are you willing to walk this journey with me??